Better Coffee + Lives Changed

At Thread Creek, "a portion of our proceeds" has never sat well with us. Nobody is getting rich around here, it's all about helping to push forward a cause that is so much bigger than any of us- the fight to end human trafficking. That is why Thread Creek gives 100% of our profits away to the fight against human trafficking. Not a portion, not a percentage, not some- ALL of it.

We know coffee.

We're not asking anyone to sacrifice their standards on coffee in the name of the cause. We are offering this community a better cup of coffee while they're simultaneously helping to make a difference in the lives of real people. We think this is something we can all get behind.

Lives Changed.

We partner with an incredible organization that is making a tremendous impact in Nepal called Our Daughters International. Click below to learn all about the work ODI is doing.

Our Daughters International

They operate border stations where girls are rescued before the abuse begins. Survivors enter safe-homes where they are protected from further abuse. ODI has several training centers where women learn job skills that will allow them to return to their communities and provide for themselves. And they find themselves a part of a healing community where true restoration can take place.

When you grab a cup of coffee at Thread Creek, you are quite literally changing lives. You're helping girls just like Maya...


Make a donation.

If you'd like to donate to this incredible cause, click below.